Selected Guest Posts

Paris Beyond the Rom-Com: A Guest Post by Lilianne Milgrom
Is it any wonder that Paris is the backdrop to countless novels? Being Paris-born I am biased but

Three Promotional Tools That Worked for Me
I spent ten years researching and writing my award-winning historical fiction L’Origine: The Secret Life of the World’s Most

The Book Commentary: You published your book! Now what?
Anyone who attended the virtual event announcing the winners of the Publishers Weekly 2021 US Selfies Book Awards

Artwork Archive: 5 Tips to Get Back into the Studio
These past few months have been particularly challenging for artists. Even though our profession is mostly solitary by

Inspirelle: Politics, Women and Rebel Artist Gustave Courbet
I think it’s fair to say that Paris is awash in statues and monuments. It’s one of the

BookBrunch: Why I chose indie publishing and never looked back
Lilianne Milgrom, winner of the 2021 US Selfies Book Award for adult fiction, on why she has no

Art in Fiction: Finding Inspiration
Lilianne Milgrom, author of L’Origine (Visual Art) about L’Origine du Monde by Gustave Courbet, one of the world’s

Bonjour Paris: Monsieur Courbet Does It Again
A few weeks ago, the Musée d’Orsay posted an image of a painting from its collection on its

Huffpost: How An Encounter With The World’s Most Famous Vagina Painting Changed My Life
I knew that staring was rude. But it was hard not to stare at the realistically rendered, X-rated perspective of